Measuring what matters.

Impact investing is about channeling capital into businesses that create meaningful social and environmental change through their operations, products, and services—all while generating financial returns. That pretty much sums up what Vancity Investment Management does.  

“When we offer investments to our clients, we commit to finding companies that fit our impact criteria—and that means going beyond ‘neutral’ and instead selecting those that make it their mission to generate a positive outcome,” comments Morgan Ayres, Investment Analyst (pictured above). “Being transparent is one way we prove our commitment to impact.”

Vancity Investment Management launched its Global Impact Fund in 2024. Showcasing the intentionality of the fund’s design, the Impact Report is a behind-the-scenes look at how they created an investment opportunity that features companies whose sole purpose is creating a positive impact.  

“We started with a huge number of potential entrants for the Fund,” Morgan explains. “Then, we selected broad themes where we saw companies with growth potential working on some of the world’s biggest challenges. Companies selected for the Fund have to show strong prospects for both long-term sustainability and long-term financial success."

The Fund’s themes encompass many of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, including Affordable and Clean Energy, Sustainable Cities and Communities, and Decent Work and Economic Growth.

Impact reporting tells it like it is.

Complete transparency sets Vancity Investment Management apart. Each company selected for the Global Impact Fund must meet set impact metrics to ensure that its performance and longer-term trajectory align with their stated impact vision. What you see is what you get.

“Our portfolio is built around companies making a meaningful impact in essential sectors like renewable energy, accessible healthcare, and circular economies—areas we see as vital to the long-term sustainability of the global economy,” says Morgan.

In addition to the fund’s impact report, Vancity Investment Management issues a Shareholder Engagement Report each quarter. The wealth management firm is also part of the Vancity Group, which publishes its integrated annual report each spring. Putting transparency at the forefront, these reports show how Vancity addresses social, environmental, and economic factors in all aspects of its business.


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